December 25th, 2020 Galatians 4:4 Authorized King James Bible [AKJB]: “ but when the fulness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law,” When it was the perfect time God! Accept or reject, God is sovereign, there isn’t nothing He doesn’t know. Man showing his ignorance will guess at, spin scripture trying to make himself something that he isn’t [as satan Isa 14:11-15]. It isn’t sufficient for man to love God and believe that He is [Heb 11:1-6]. It’s not enough to believe God and what He has said in His Word of Himself or of us. What He has done on our behalf, giving us all that is needed to be made a new creature [2 Cor 5:17] is in Him. Man will either totally reject Him, by trying their hardest to confuse and re-write the scripture that He hath given us to better in their own eyes. God has made it as simple as possible in revealing the mysteries of God unto Paul sinc...
Bible Truths