I try to only give what I believe God has given me. I don't force it or do what I think is best. When I do: "whatsayeththescriptures". I write about personal experiences. This week I was given nothing. When I email out these writings there are two attachments attached, included here.
An invitation to Christ
If you haven't yet, I invite you to believe in the Lord Jesus as Christ, your personal Savior. If you have never believed and made that commitment to Christ, I ask you to believe the gospel and be born again. The Gospel is simple: its who Jesus is and what Christ did in His death, burial & Resurrection; Christ died for all our sins: 2 Cor 5:21. He was buried John 19:38/42 & arose again for our justification Ro 4:25 & 1 Cor 15 the resurrection chapter.
Its not what you know or when, where and how you say what you say but the condition of the heart in belief. Tell Him.
"Lord Jesus, I believe; help me" If this is the truth in your heart and
God knows, in that moment of belief, you are then "BORN AGAIN"
The proof of that transformation; "Born again" will be observed by the new believing born again person in a change of desires. This is the Holy Spirit beginning to work in you to form you into the image of Christ. If this is not present I would doubt that a true born-again experience has happened and that the individual had an encounter with the Living Christ but has yet to believe unto salvation. If you have questions please ask that I may be allowed to direct your reading of scripture to passages that will address your questions.
Scripture of the Week disclaimer:
i am not affiliated with any religious group or denomination. I have no other goal than to do what I believe God has given me to do. I prayerfully seek His face to write His will, all that He gives me to write is supported by scripture. I have no agenda, I try as much as possible, that is in me not to allow a certain bent or bias to impact these writings. I am open to any questions as to why or criticism even if not supported by scripture. I use the King James Version because personally, it speaks to my spirit, I have come to trust in its wording and grammar. I understand that there may be mistakes in the translation, but I don't believe God Almighty would have allowed such mistakes to take place or to allow them to stay in place for this long.
I write of how His word has impacted my life, how I understand what He has done for me. If I confess being a thief, a liar, covetous or such like it is because before His grace saved me through faith that was what I was and did, ashamed yes, repentant yes, redeemed yes, born again yes . . . . . . (2 Corinthians 5:17/19)
If any title is to be placed on me now i would hope that it would be "child of God": past that some might call me Pauline, that being I take my understandings from Paul with the understanding that all scripture was written for our learning (Romans 15:4), but "In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel." Romans 2:16, that said guess I'm of a Pauline bent.
I believe that "All scripture ( the Bible, is indisputable inerrant) given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works." 2 Timothy 3:16/17. "Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Peter 1:20/21. When scripture says Mary was a virgin, Mary was a virgin, when Jesus says You must be born again, one must be born again, reading Jesus walked on water, He walked on water. When it says he was crucified, given up for my transgressions, He was given up, He was buried, He arose again; raised for my justification; and when it reads He will return, He will return. I don't need to comprehend it, I don't even have too understand it but I will without reservation believe it.
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